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Online Chinese Character to Pinyin Converter with Pronunciation Convert simplified/traditional chinese text into Pinyin with character/text pronunciation. Context is taken into consideration for polyphones words ... Recent Updates (16/03/2015): 1. Provide "Export to Word" function on the right side vocabulary list 2.
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Chinese Converter - Convert Chinese Chinese conversions tools: simplified to traditional Chinese converter, traditional to simplified and Chinese to pinyin and Chinese to image converter. ... Welcome to Chinese Converter. Chinese Converter has many Chinese conversion tools: Simplified-Tradi
Far East Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary - Toshuō One thing I really do like about this dictionary, though, is that it has Pinyin for Chinese-English entries. When I first came to Taiwan, I went to 12 different bookstores looking for a dictionary with any sort of pronunciation guide in its Chinese-Englis
English-Chinese Vocabulary Quizzes - Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) JavaScript Interactive multiple-choice quizzes for studying Chinese and English vocabulary. ... English-Chinese Vocabulary Quizzes Quizzes to Help You Learn and Review Vocabulary This is a part of The Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students
How to Convert English to Chinese Writing (3 Steps) | eHow Check out Chinese Tools' Chinese English Dictionary (see Resources). On this site, you can enter an English word and just click "Search." You will be given a remarkably comprehensive range of definitions, complete with the Chinese written characters and P
Pinyin-Converter / Pinyin-Translator - Chinese.com Pinyin Translation, translate in Chinese, Han yu pinyin, Hanyu pinyin, pinyin, tone marks & pinyin numbers. Pinyin Converter. Translate and Convert Chinese ...